Publishing Programs

Book Distribution Services

Publishing your book with SXSW Books grants you access to comprehensive distribution plans designed to maximize your reach as an author, creative, and thought leader. Our distribution channels ensure your book is available both online and in brick-and-mortar stores, broadening your audience and impact.

Standard Services

Book Distribution for SXSW Books Authors

We believe that all great books deserve readership. Our distribution team works to place your book in libraries as well as premiere online retail sites.

Online Retail Distribution

Unlock your book’s full sales potential with our comprehensive online retail distribution plan. We focus on major industry platforms such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble to connect your book with the largest online audiences. In addition, we expand your reach by making your book accessible through a wide network of additional online retailers, increasing its visibility and impact.

Brick and Mortar Retail Distribution

For many authors, getting their book into physical retail stores is a significant milestone, but it requires strategic timing and expertise. Our experienced distribution team advocates for your book with major chain bookstores and independent retailers, focusing on factors like genre alignment, promotional efforts, and sales potential to secure shelf space.

To ensure strong sales and sustained visibility both online and in stores, we implement targeted book promotion strategies designed to drive demand and maximize your book’s success.

Distribution to Libraries

Library distribution provides an excellent opportunity to increase brand visibility among thousands of library visitors each year. Our distribution team collaborates with wholesalers and specialty distributors to secure library placements. This approach is particularly effective for books with strong trade journal reviews and those that align with popular library genres.

Foreign Language Rights Sales Representation

Our Foreign Language Rights team will represent your book. They market, negotiate, and sell foreign language and subsidiary rights of your book to a network of 2,200 foreign publishers and rights buyers around the globe. Our team boasts 25 years of experience that has resulted in 6,000 titles sold into 180 languages.

Optional Services

Next-Tier Distribution Services

Enhance the success and visibility of your book with distribution to airport bookstores that receive a tremendous amount of foot traffic from business professionals.

Airport Bookstore Distribution

Airport bookstores are among the most exclusive bookstores due to their small square footage and impressive foot traffic. Only rigorously vetted books receive placements, creating an environment where the best of the best are on display. We offer an airport bookstore as an optional add-on for SXSW authors who want to place their book in front of traveling business leaders and creatives looking for their next book.

Book promotion plans include:

  • Three months of the hardcover front table placement
  • Placement in 90 stores
  • Minimum requirement of 1,000 books placed into stores

Discover What's Possible